Sober living

How to Rebuild Your Life After Addiction

Even after you complete rehab, it’s best to put some very healthy routines guidelines into place. Now that you are through living a life of substance abuse, you’ll likely want to reconnect with your friends and family members on an emotional level. But, perhaps you’re realizing that many of them aren’t ready to take that step. It will be tempting to beat yourself up about the issues you experienced in your past.

rebuilding life after addiction

Rebuilding of one’s life is inevitable after recovery from alcohol and drugs addiction. Even if a sober living house isn’t for you, this is just an example of making sure that you have a solid network of people and resources that can support you on your journey. The weeks and even months right out of rehab are an incredibly humbling time. You have gone months, years, or decades getting through life with the crutch of your drug of choice, and now, you are re-entering the world sober. Cut ties with the people you used to drink and drug with, or at least keep them at arm’s length until you have all the tools you need to face and say no if they offer alcohol or drugs. The same person can also help you to find doctors to follow up with upon leaving treatment and sober living housing if that is an option for you. People who know you’re in recovery and continue to offer you substances do not have your best interest at heart.


When people decide to go from addiction to recovery, one of the difficult parts is learning to trust. When you’re in recovery, you need to learn to use your core values and trust your own judgment again. Sometimes, people forget they are able to make positive decisions for themselves because they get caught up in the drama of their addicted life. There’s a reason programs like AA, NA, and Al-Anon are so effective.

  • Setting goals and then achieving them can be a great way to give yourself a sense of purpose.
  • Exercise, particularly running, is one of the most popular pursuits because of the plethora of physical and mental health benefits.
  • Now, it’s a matter of continuing life after addiction celebrating the small victories and taking it one day at a time.
  • If they are under professional treatment this will get better with time and patience.
  • Trustworthy people are not victims, they’re survivors.
  • In fact, studies show that writing things down that you like about yourself is particularly helpful for individuals who are in recovery from substance use disorders.

To minimize stress and frustration that could threaten your sobriety, you must be patient, both with the process and with yourself. Many individuals who are in recovery need time to heal both physically and mentally.

Rebuilding Your Life After Addiction Treatment

Keeping yourself inspired can help you in your journey to restart a new life. Tom Hardy was addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol as a teenager. He uses his tattoos to remind him of how far he has got in his recovery journey. Eminem was addicted to opioids and nearly died from an overdose. He has chosen to restart a new life and has been in recovery since 2008 and uses running to manage his compulsion to drink. Manyfamous people in recoverysuch as Anthony Hopkins, Steven Tyler, Robert Downey Jr., and Martin Sheen attribute their successful recovery to the support of AA and NA meetings.

rebuilding life after addiction

Did you hit rock bottom the first time you ever tried drugs or drank? Addiction is a progressive disease that gradually gets worse for drug users. Our lives didn’t get this bad overnight and we are not going to fix everything overnight.

Step 5: Leave Old Friends Behind

Addiction is rooted in negative emotions and core beliefs rooted in childhood. In rehab, you will have gained an insight into how certain beliefs drive your compulsion to take substances.

rebuilding life after addiction

These people could be guilt trippers, or jealous people and might try to control your life again. Moreover, they could be enablers, and try to get you back on your substance use disorder to try and make yourself feel better.

First Year Sobriety: When All That Changes Is Everything

Being the only son, along with many responsibilities and expectations his parents must have had of him, led Sam to such a dark spiral. I’m just glad that he faced the problem he had and worked really hard to rise above it. These dynamics will likely remain even after a period of residential treatment. Because of this, one’s relationships will need to undergo just as much attention and care as the person suffering from addiction. Family therapy, couple’s therapy, and daily trust-building are just a few of the ways one can begin to restore the relationships that are damaged in the wake of addiction. But above all else, it’s important to place yourself in an atmosphere that will support your sobriety and recovery. For example, one recent study has shown the positive effect that music can have on addiction patterns.

What can trigger a relapse?

  • HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
  • Challenging Emotions.
  • Stress.
  • Over-Confidence in Recovery.
  • Physical or Mental Illness.
  • Social Isolation.
  • Romantic Relationships.
  • New Jobs and Promotions.

Find your role models in people who once shared your struggles but overcame them with sheer resolve. Having friends who drink alcohol or use drugs can cause you to relapse. Try to find sober friends who understand what you have been through, and rebuilding life after addiction help you start rebuilding your new life. If you go out with your friends, ask them to not drink around you or just avoid going to places where you may get access to drugs and alcohol. The right friends will support you and help you stay sober.

Quickly interrupting thoughts of using is important. Saying a mantra, substituting thoughts of recovery goals, praying, reading something recovery-related, reaching out to someone supportive—all are useful tactics. Planning in advance a way out of high-risk situations—whether an event, a place, or a person—helps support intentions in the face of triggers to use. However, in terms of addiction, recovery, and relapse, it refers to your routines, from the most impactful to the most unremarkable.

  • Now that you are through living a life of substance abuse, you’ll likely want to reconnect with your friends and family members on an emotional level.
  • Talking about issues can often help uncover your underlying distress before it activates a craving.
  • Get yourself into a good place mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically before you worry about finding Mr. or Mrs. Right.
  • Temptations are real, and they can be scary at times.
  • There are many roads to recovery, and needs vary from individual to the next.
  • My depression which I was diagnosed with at 17, but got substantially worse after 5 concussions on the football field, was a huge part of my recovery.

Our editors and medical reviewers have over a decade of cumulative experience in medical content editing and have reviewed thousands of… It’s also good to maintain a healthy sleeping pattern. You can ask questions about our program, the admissions process, and more. Congratulations on this opportunity to restart a new life and become the best version of you. Often people will hear stories of recovery from people who have had much worse circumstances to contend with. When you leave rehab, keeping your emotions on an even is vital.

Addictive behavior happens when we are unhappy, so the trick is to learn to navigate those emotions and use positive coping strategies. Not only is addiction relapse common, relapse is not considered a sign of failure.

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